Managerial Relationship with Human Resource Management
Managerial and Human Resource Management (MSDM) have close relationships within an organization. HRM is part of a managerial function that focuses on managing the workforce in order to contribute optimally to achieving company goals. Here are some relationships between the two:
1. HRM as Part of Managerial Functions
Managerial functions such as planning, organizing, directing, and controlling are implemented in HRM to manage employees effectively.
HRM is responsible for employee recruitment, training, development and performance assessment in order to support managerial goals.
2. Decision Making in HRM is Influenced by Managerial
Decisions related to workforce needs, competency development, and compensation systems are made based on the company's managerial strategy.
Managers must understand aspects of HRM to manage their teams well, including motivation, communication and leadership.
3. HR Management Supports Managerial Effectiveness
Good managerial performance depends on effective HR management. Without a skilled and motivated workforce, managerial functions are difficult to carry out optimally.
Good HR management helps managers achieve operational efficiency and increases organizational productivity.
4. Managerial Influence on HRM Policy
Managerial determines HRM policies and strategies, such as organizational culture, work policies, and reward systems.
Managers also have a role in maintaining employee welfare, resolving conflicts, and creating a conducive work environment.
The relationship between managerial functions and HRM is very close, because good HR management will support the effectiveness of managerial functions in the organization. On the other hand, effective managerial will produce appropriate HRM policies and strategies to improve employee performance as well mencapai tujuan perusahaan.